Sharing Love and Compassion
through positive, educational, uplifting messages and information.
We Deserve To Be Loved
We deserve to be loved simply because we exist, nothing more and nothing less. ~GMP
Come my beautiful children I have a story to tell you of times before time…
I am a half breed of Native and Caucasian roots. I am in my eighty three years of life I have faced death 5 times. Two of them involved being coded. I have tried to share my near death experiences to help people to see a greater truth. Words fail and don't come close...
Woman. Womb of Human kind. The root of Family and beauty. Mother. Feminine, the music of all creation. ~Pa'Ris'Ha If you would like to receive more information, news, and updates from Pa'Ris'Ha, just go to…. This positive,...
You ask who is the Lion that comes with me…
You ask who is the Lion that comes with me. I know him as Companion. My Source sent me forth with Companion and never taught of a hell. Only love and compassion. He gave me choice and consciousness of Being of Oneness that we all are of. He gave me a path to show the...
Release And Let Go!
It’s that easy to release and let go! See it leave through the door and never to return. Love yourself enough to do it!! ~pa'ris'ha If you would like to receive more information, news, and updates from Pa'Ris'Ha, just go to…....
We Are All Connected
The Ancients and our Ancestors tell us we are all connected. Every person and living creature, and all the interwoven unification expands to include everything in the universe every human and all life, the creatures, plants, trees, winged ones that fly, oceans and...
Ask For What You Want, You’re Worth It!
You have to ask if you want it! Be clear in detail and feel you have it, it works and your worth it!! ~ parisha If you would like to receive more information, news, and updates from Pa'Ris'Ha, just go to…. This positive,...
The Earth Gives Us All We Need To Heal
The Earth gives us all we need to heal and maintain a healthy Body and mind. We need trust nature and our inner connectedness to our planet, she is called Earth Mother for a real reason!! ~ Pa’Ris’Ha If you would like to receive more information, news, and updates...
We Are Energy…
We Are Energy… You are a spiritual being having a human experience. Remember this & shine your light always. We are energy, light, colors, and love! ~pa’ris’ha If you would like to receive more information, news, and updates from Pa'Ris'Ha, just go to…....